Wednesday, 15 May 2019

DuckDuckGo achieved new record one million searches in January 2019

DuckDuckGo hits a new record in January of over one million searches served throughout the month

That pic represents the officially announced our records.

Also he Create a new mile stone reaches over previous month searches.

DuckDuckGo make it data’s are publicly available

It represents the year wise DuckDuckGo traffic.

And interesting development that occurred in December month google transferred ownership to DuckDuckGo

Google just happened to own domain and redirect to home page. Just google handed it over
Now redirection issues are resolved 

Eight Ways to Enhance Your Business Using Video Marketing

Share the Details of What You Do

The overview of the videos on the website Facebook page or else homepage it is the best way to introduce the people to your company. The detailed videos may explain the product features on the various services. Best way to provide the huge information and helping the audience decide to buy.

Introduction Yourself

The combination of both the visual and audio stimulation in a video which it’s describing the complex concepts of huge simple and essential for understanding. Share the Details of What You do.

In fact, the overview video on your website from the Facebook page or else home page is the best way to introduce the people to the company. The videos will detail and explaining the products features or the various services in the best way to providing the information.

Give Third Party Proof (Customer Testimonials)

In order to, the people who will interest your service and product on camera. It is huge effective than winning the characteristics.

Empower Your Leaders to Educate Your Audience

One of the huge effective ways of showing into the company as the leader in space also known as heck. It is an endless educational topic which it consists the space that the audience will find useful.

Share Your Creation Story

It is particularly relevant to the business even it is a larger corporation. The perfect story is balancing between to telling the story, sharing and creating it relevant to their employees and customers.

Show Your Product in Action

It is difficult to imagine how the product will be handy when all the three or else four photos on the screen. A Video Marketing may provide the people with some of the insight into the product. To combine with the story and it will create it huge engaging and spread around the branded campaign.  

Also know about latest seo tactics

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